Thursday, June 4, 2009

Beer is the reason: this awesome contraption must have been made by a man

Beer is the Reason: we now have the Robo-nanny!
Guys, you know how those little people are always underfoot and getting in the way of our football/video gaming pleasure? Well welcome Roomba-Nanny! It traps those pesky little guys in a soft cushioned seat, and gives them the illusion of control with the steering wheel and foot pads. Also rocks them to sleep when you need them to be quiet.

Ladies and Gents: No longer will you have to suffer tantrum children in shopping malls. Strap them into their little cage and Roomba-Nanny will follow you! Let them scream to their delight because it ain't going to stop you now!

1 comment:

celestialspeedster said...

Where's the glass dome that would actually save you the trouble of hearing the tantrum? Plus, the tike will eventually learn that a tantrum uses up precious oxygen very rapidly, resulting in involuntary "nap time".